Our Team

Meet the CoreTrex team and discover the innovative leaders behind our brand growth efforts and learn how their passion and expertise fuel your brand’s success.

Join the Team

Stephen Fullington

Stephen is the Founder of CoreTrex, with a deep passion for building brands. He is driven by an obsession to assemble legendary teams that represent remarkable brands, with a mission to inspire a resurgence in entrepreneurship. His leadership fuels CoreTrex's commitment to excellence and innovation in brand management.

Brandon Reichert

Brand Growth Manager
Brandon is a dynamic Brand Growth Manager at CoreTrex, bringing a wealth of experience from running an 8-figure Amazon brand. His passion for product development and entrepreneurship fuels his drive to help brands differentiate themselves in the online marketplace, delivering impactful results that set them apart.

Darcie Chantelle

Darcie is the HR/Office Administrator at CoreTrex, passionate about fostering a positive work environment where people love what they do and are empowered to achieve their goals. Her dedication to supporting team members is key to building a thriving workplace.

Noah Mrok

Digital Marketing Strategist
Noah is a Digital Marketing Strategist at CoreTrex, with a strong passion for blockchain technology and a focus on transforming how brands grow through paid advertising. His innovative approach combines cutting-edge technology with strategic advertising techniques, driving brand growth in the digital landscape.

Robby Asbery

Brand Growth Director
Robby is the leader of Brand Partnerships at CoreTrex, leveraging his expertise from Walmart's Data Ventures team. His passion lies in harnessing data to uncover growth opportunities online, combining technical insights with strategic thinking to drive brand success in the digital marketplace.

Greyson Daniels

Digital Marketing Strategist
Greyson is a Digital Marketing Strategist at CoreTrex, with a strong passion for design and brand identity. A natural leader, he excels in helping brands visually differentiate themselves and creating compelling ads that capture attention, ensuring brands stand out in the competitive digital space.

Bobby Browning

Brand Growth Manager
Bobby is a Brand Growth Manager at CoreTrex, passionate about leading brands in casting a strategic vision that sets them apart from competitors in their categories on Amazon and Walmart.com. His expertise helps brands position themselves as industry leaders with distinct and effective strategies.

Will Scholl

Operations Specialist
Will is an Operations Specialist at CoreTrex with a passion for optimizing product detail pages (PDPs) and leveraging AI to elevate brands to best-in-class status. His focus on innovation and efficiency drives operational excellence across the board.

Ready to grow on Amazon?

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