Sep 18, 2024

Hats, Haircuts, and Tattoos: A Simple Framework for Smart Amazon Decisions

Hats, Haircuts, and Tattoos: A New Way to Think About Decisions for Your Amazon Brand

Hats, Haircuts, and Tattoos: A Simple Framework for Smart Amazon Decisions

In the fast-paced world of selling online, especially on platforms like Amazon, decision-making can feel like an endless cycle. Which product to launch next? What advertising strategy to use? How do we handle supply chain challenges? The pressure can be intense, but over the years, I’ve learned to simplify decisions into three categories: hats, haircuts, and tattoos.

This framework helps cut through the noise and make clearer, more effective choices. I want to share this with you because, as our clients, you're constantly making important decisions that impact your Amazon success. Let’s break it down.

1. Hats: Quick, Reversible Decisions

Think of most decisions as "hats." You try one on. If it doesn't fit, you take it off and try another. The beauty of hats is that they’re low-stakes. You’re not committing to anything long-term, and the consequences of a mistake are small. In the world of Amazon, hats represent decisions like:

  • Trying a new ad copy or targeting strategy.
  • Running a limited-time promotion.
  • Testing different product images or A+ content.

These decisions don’t carry much weight if they don’t work. If an ad campaign isn’t converting well, you can pause it. If a promotion doesn’t drive sales, it ends in a few days. The key with "hat" decisions is to move quickly. Don’t overthink it; just try multiple options and iterate as you go. The cost of a mistake is low, so why not move fast and experiment?

For our Amazon clients: Don’t be afraid to test new things in your listings or PPC campaigns. Experiment with different approaches and if one doesn’t work, pivot quickly.

2. Haircuts: Fixable, But With a Cost

Now, some decisions are more like haircuts. We’ve all had bad ones, right? A bad haircut is something you have to live with for a while. It’ll grow out, but until it does, you’ll feel a little foolish. However, these mistakes are still temporary. They might cause some short-term discomfort, but over time, things go back to normal.

In Amazon terms, a "haircut" decision might include:

  • Launching a new product that doesn’t perform well.
  • Making a major change to your pricing strategy.
  • Reallocating your ad budget based on a new trend.

These are decisions where a misstep could sting a bit. Maybe you lose a little traction, or it takes time to fix things. But they aren’t permanent. A bad product launch might lead to overstock for a while, but you’ll eventually sell through it or pivot your strategy. A pricing change that doesn’t land might hurt sales in the short term, but it’s not the end of the world. You can always adjust.

For our Amazon clients: Don’t be scared of a "bad haircut." It’s part of the game. Trying something new may feel risky, but even if it doesn’t work out, it won’t have long-lasting effects. A year from now, the mistake will be a distant memory, and the lessons learned will be invaluable.

3. Tattoos: Permanent, Irreversible Decisions

Then there are the "tattoos" of decision-making—choices that leave a lasting mark. These decisions are permanent or extremely hard to reverse. You need to approach them with caution because once they’re made, you’re living with the consequences long-term.

For your Amazon business, "tattoo" decisions could include:

  • Signing an exclusive, long-term distribution deal.
  • Completely rebranding your product line.
  • Changing fulfillment methods from FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) to FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant) permanently.

These are decisions that have far-reaching, often permanent consequences. A poorly negotiated distribution deal could limit your growth for years. Rebranding your entire product line could alienate loyal customers if done wrong. Changing fulfillment methods may drastically affect your ability to meet customer expectations.

For our Amazon clients: When it comes to tattoo decisions, slow down. These are the moments when you need to consult your team, evaluate all possible outcomes, and consider the long-term effects on your brand. Don’t rush into irreversible choices without careful thought and analysis.

How to Use This Framework in Your Amazon Strategy

Whether you're deciding which product to launch next or how to allocate your ad spend, understanding which category your decision falls into can give you clarity and confidence.

  • For hat decisions, be fast and flexible. Experiment. Try things out, and don’t worry if it doesn’t work out the first time.
  • For haircut decisions, recognize the risks but remember they’re fixable. Don’t be afraid to push boundaries, knowing that you can adjust course if needed.
  • For tattoo decisions, take your time. These are the decisions where a misstep could have a lasting impact, so make sure you get them right the first time.

At CoreTrex, we use this framework to guide our clients through every stage of their Amazon journey. We’ll help you move quickly when it’s time to try on hats, support you through the discomfort of a bad haircut, and most importantly, ensure you don’t get any regrettable tattoos.

Remember, success on Amazon is built on a series of smart decisions. The key is knowing which decisions are hats, haircuts, or tattoos—and acting accordingly.

Let’s make bold moves together.

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